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Safeguarding training is vital for a wide range of organisations including training providers, employers offering Apprenticeship schemes, social housing providers, sports clubs and many more. Roemer Barnes Training offer a wide a variety of courses - from Level 2 to Level 5 - which offer fully accredited, nationally recognised qualifications. These courses have been designed by experts with over 19 years experience in the safeguarding field across a variety of sectors.


All safeguarding courses are accredited by the Open College Network and ensure that we design and deliver only the most current and up-to-date, safe, and best practice led training material. We ensure all latest legislation, guidance and recommendations are incorporated into all course resources.


Our courses have been approved by a range of trusted experts in the field and follow all nationally published safeguarding advice and guidance, this includes embedding British Values and Prevent alongside core content and exploring themes such as modern slavery and human trafficking.


When choosing our accredited training, you receive a complimentary pre-training consultation to ensure your expectations will be fully met and then a post-training consultation to support you with how to embed learning. Participants also receive bespoke resources on completion for all Level 3+ options.


Half day Training course:

9.00am-12.30pm or 1.00pm-4.30pm delivered online.


Aim of the course:

Participants will understand what safeguarding people means to the organisation and society, understand the different types of abuse and exploitation, vulnerabilities, signs, symptoms, and how to report, and record concerns appropriately.


Who is this for?

Aimed at all employees of any professional level who wish to gain knowledge and insight into what safeguarding, abuse, and exploitation is and how it can affect people within a workplace and community environment. The course is fully tailored to industry and respective guidance.


Course Contents:

  • Unit 1- What is Safeguarding? - Your responsibilities.

  • Unit 2- Safeguarding Practice Review learning.

  • Unit 3- Types of abuse and other safeguarding issues.

  • Unit 4- Recognising Risks.

  • Unit 5- Dealing with Disclosures.

  • Unit 6- Recording and reporting concerns.


FULL day Training course:


9.30am-4.30pm delivered online. 


Aim of the course:

Participants will understand various safeguarding practitioner roles and their responsibilities, why safeguarding people is important, key terms, how to respond to disclosures, the signs and symptoms of abuse, neglect, or exploitation, barriers to reporting, and how to report and refer concerns.


Who is this for?

Aimed at those who are in a DSL or deputy role, or Safeguarding Champion/Officer role or any professional or manager who requires a higher level of safeguarding knowledge. This course is tailored to all industries and respective guidance.


Course Contents

  • Unit 1- Safeguarding people.

  • Unit 2- Roles and responsibilities.

  • Unit 3- Key legislation.

  • Unit 4- Safeguarding Practice Review learning.

  • Unit 5- The signs and symptoms of abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

  • Unit 6- Attitudes, values, and barriers to reporting.

  • Unit 7- Dealing with disclosures.

  • Unit 8- Recording and reporting concerns.

  • Unit 9- Signposting and referring.



TWO day Training course:

9.30am-4.30pm delivered online.


Aim of the course:

Participants will understand the operational role and responsibilities of the DSL, develop confidence and competence on both operational and strategic levels, and understand how to influence and embed a supportive and effective culture for children, adults, and employees.


Who is this for?

Aimed at any professional who is already acting as or aspires to be a DSL or deputy within an organisation. The course is fully tailored to industry and respective guidance.


Course Contents

  • Unit 1- The role of the DSL.

  • Unit 2- Key legislation.

  • Unit 3- Safeguarding Practice Review learning.

  • Unit 4- Attitudes, values, barriers to reporting.

  • Unit 5- Dealing with disclosures.

  • Unit 6- Allegations against colleagues.

  • Unit 7- Mental Health and suicide prevention.

  • Unit 8- Decision making.

  • Unit 9- Recording and reporting concerns.

  • Unit 10- What happens after a referral is made.

  • Unit 11- The supportive role of the DSL.


TWO day Training course:

Aim of the course:

Leaders and Managers will gain strategic knowledge and practical skills to support them with their operational and strategic roles and responsibilities when managing/leading staff who have a responsibility for children or adults. Participants will also develop confidence and competence in supporting a culture of safety and safeguarding. 


Who is this for?

Aimed at any Senior Manager, Board Member, Professional Advisor or Governor that oversees or must understand the organisation’s safeguarding structure. This course is tailored to all industries and respective guidance.


Course Contents

  • Unit 1- An Introduction to Safeguarding.

  • Unit 2- Understanding Contextual Safeguarding and Adverse Childhood Experiences.

  • Unit 3- Building a safeguarding strategy and leading on a culture of vigilance.

  • Unit 4- Safeguarding Practice Review learning.

  • Unit 5- Importance of policy, procedures, audit.

  • Unit 6- Staff Training Needs Analysis.

  • Unit 7- Safe working practices and staffing issues.

  • Unit 8- Staff allegations.

  • Unit 9- Supervision and support.

  • Unit 10- Managing Risk.

  • Unit 11- Escalating concerns and effective partnerships.

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